Dr Blobfish

student | science Lover | Serial procrastinator

Little Shadow | Dr Blobfish

Little Shadow

Little shadow logo

Little Shadow is a short game I made with a friend for the All Feather Game Jam.

I mostly worked on the graphical part of the game.

3d modelling was made with blender we used the unreal engine as game engine

You can download the game on its itch.io page

The theme of the game jam was Light and Darkness.

Here is some early concept art of when we were still figuring out what direction to take.

Some early concept art

A prototype of the "shadow light" idea

We eventually decided to stick to the idea of a character using some sort of “shadow light” in a really bright environment.

Here’s some of my 3d modelling work.

Concept of the character

It's 3d model

And here’s some screenshot of the final game.